Dictation Poems

T. Person

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T. Person is a poet and performer who focuses on the literal elements of communication - language as letter and sound; and they delve happily into the confusion of not-knowing that appears as a consequence. More poetry is available at Lune Journal & OfZoos. Current projects are a DFA application in poetics of walking at Glasgow University and a pamphlet on food called Delicious.

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Political Speech


Armand Van Helden





These experiments are a response to a recent scandal in Austria; a member of the FPÖ party — right populists— was exposed in a video doing deals with some ‘russians’ on Ibiza, of all places. Of course, the internet took it up, and soon enough the vengaboys were involved. There’s footage of them performing their song «We’re going to Ibiza» at a protest in Wien, and I couldn’t quite believe it.

How was this suddenly a potent soundtrack for a left protest? Even more, and subjectively, my memory of the Vengaboys is exactly the video where they fly around, rounding up the ‘party’ as cartoonish versions of themselves, yet there they were in Wien, performing.

This lead to my interest in adopting certain tracks, but with unfamiliar voices and registers to see what comes out. At large, this is part of a solid trend for ‘trance // europop recovery’ namely its aesthetic. I am unsure about it, especially as in certain places it hasn’t stopped at all. Either way I have always enjoyed the shameless unity of trance. It’s imperative. So, these three dictation poems are attempts to reconcile the various functions at play in these events and tracks, minus the aesthetic.
